Show the books!
Open the books!
We ask for a federal, state, and city investigation that would open the books for a real investigation into all HPD private-public partnerships with Neighborhood Restore (and non-profits), including the Third Party Transfer program, TIL-ANCP, and Inclusionary Zoning.
In this clip from the PBS documentary Poverty, Politics, and Profit (linked at the bottom of this page), they suggest that we, the victims, should "see something, say something." As you'll see in the clips below, we saw plenty and informed many people—yet...
We reached out to the Mayor of New York City, and eventually to the United States President.
The frustration is real
This website's role is to document through press articles every possible way these regulated sponsors took advantage of a program and distorted it to enrich their board of directors.
That HPD sat right here and said that they came to our building and notified us is a lie!
These are testimonies at a City Hall hearing from victims. At the time, we had great hopes, but the reality did not materialize. We met with the staffer, but after two years, nothing has changed.
Since we reached out to everyone and nothing will change, we are left with one
solution; document the problem and run for office.
In New York City, the Low-Income developers use the Major Capital Improvements loophole to pass the inflated bills to the low-income tenants themselves. Those who can get Section 8 vouchers get to remain, and the others get to be evicted using the court system.

Another clear example is this New York Times Article about Fixing Low Income Aging Building. The problem is that the building
did not belong to Riseboro to conduct the project.
(If you don't have access to the NY Times, you can download a printed version.)
The audio below is from the residents in the Casa Pasiva NY Times article above.
This PBS special explains the corruption of all those programs in Miami and Dallas. In these localities, the Low-Income developer inflates the bills and pass them to Uncle Sam.