Show the books!

Show the books!

2021 NYC Candidates Knowledge

You are a candidate running for office and need to understand why we are making our demand. We are somewhat done bringing you documents that confuse you and want to educate yourself on the issue.

The first step is really to watch this documentary that takes place in Dallas and Miami. If you want to really understand what the #HPDVictims are going trough and robbed of their equity, watch this Frontline PBS documentary and then join us to fight the Corruption.

Additional required material

Gift for all the candidates

As candidates, I am working the voter list. You can find a redacted version of the voter list here and a sample of the RepMyBlock petitions here:

All the Show The Books volunteers will work with the candidates that are not on the #LaShitList.

Extra Material for discussion

The first step is reading the TA Newsletter that was prepared by college-educated tenants. That distinction is important because if you, theoretically college-educated, cannot understand the program's details, what hope does a low-income immigrant has to understand it?

A low-income immigrant only hears: "I will own property for $2,500."

Instructions on how this page is updated.

Candidate's Name Running Phone
Step 1
1999 Newsletter
Step 2
2014 News article
Step 3
640 RSD Finances
Theo Chino Public Advocate Candidate read no no
Marti Gould Cummings City Council District 7 Candidate no no no
Ricarte Echevarria City Council District 37 Candidate no download download
Loree Sutton Mayor Aide no no no
Daniel Cohen City Council District 7 Candidate download no download
John Choe City Council District 20 Candidate no no no
Lou Cespedes City Countil District 45 Candidate no no no
Corey Ortega City Council District 7 Candidate download no no
Kim Moscaritolo City Council District 5 Candidate no no no
Billy Freeland  City Council District 5 Candidate no no no
Janos Marton District Attorney Candidate no no no
Felicia Kalan City Council District 22 Candidate no no no


The whole conversation takes place on twitter in the open. The reason is that elected officials have played ping pong with us for decades, and to clean up this billion-dollar mess, we need to work together, lame ducks elected officials and new candidates.

Each person listed on this list has officially declared to run for public office, and therefore there is no expectation of privacy or decency. You will be called out publicly, and we are going to dissect every aspect of your life.

The goal is not to get you unprepared but to prepare you to be the best candidate.

Because there are more than 200 candidates, we are using Twitter to automate the process. To let the computer know that you downloaded the article, you need to follow the account. In the following hours will add a notation on this page next to your name, acknowledging that you download the document.

Once you have read the document, you can tweet your comments or questions. If you have understood the material, you can click on the Heart of the Pinned Post to get the instructions to the next document.

This page will get updated automatically several times a day.